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How to utilise Structured Data for Brand Optimisation

With AI entering the search landscape, SEO is both changing and extending in more disciplines. One of these disciplines that will undergo massive changes especially from a technical SEO perspective is Digital Branding. This guide will walk you through what Digital Branding means for your business in a world where Generative Search with AI is becoming a reality. More specifically - how you optimise for it to create more visibility for your brand, delivering more business opportunities on the future Search Engines.

Ulrika Viberg - 06/09/24

Structured data is a method of providing detailed information about a webpage to search engines. It labels various parts of the page, such as articles, products, events, or businesses, enabling search engines to better understand the content. This information is embedded in the webpage's HTML code using specific rules known as schemas, which are defined by resources like

This guide will provide detailed instructions for implementing structured data using JSON-LD, the recommended format by Google.

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